URGET ACTION REQUIRED! Ask Congress to Vote “NO” on FAA Reauthorization!

Once again, we are in a battle for our rights and freedom as responsible, law-abiding modelers.
The last time I wrote you, we were trying to protect Section 336 (i.e. the Special Rule that protected model aircraft).  This new Bill (H.R. 302) repeals Section 336 and replaces it with a much more restrictive and onerous rules (i.e. Section 349 – see link below or the attached document).  I’ve highlighted critical items in the attached document.
“As written, this bill puts our community (modelers) under the authority of the FAA, which means the agency can, at any time, impose additional regulations on model aircraft. In addition, the bill specifically imposes a 400′ altitude limit on model aircraft operating within the programming of a community-based organization (CBO), which will curtail long-standing AMA competitions and events that support local charities and non-profits. These and other changes will make it even more difficult to fly and will stifle the broader benefits of model aviation to STEM education and the broader aviation community.

It is important for you to know that this bill has not yet been voted into law. This is a critical moment and Congress needs to hear from our members on the harm this bill would do to our safe, long-standing hobby.

The easiest way for you to write your representatives is to use the link below.  However, I highly encourage you to personalize the form letter provided.  Edit the letter to described how this legislation will also impact your individual and community activities!
Form letter provided:
Dear [Official],
I am a model aviation hobbyist and I am deeply concerned about the impact the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018 would have on my community, given the modifications made to the Special Rule for Model Aircraft, also known as Section 336.  I strongly urge you to vote “no” on the FAA bill. 
The current language in this bill is a non-starter. It puts unnecessary and burdensome restrictions in place that will curtail – or even cancel – long-standing model aviation competitions and events, which support local charities and non-profits. Beyond harming charities, the bill may stifle the benefits of model aviation to STEM education and manned aviation. Model aviation hobbyists have been flying safely in the skies since before the FAA was even created. We’re not the problem. Yet, this bill will deal a devastating blow to our hobby and the many local communities, charities and educational programs we support. On behalf of hobbyists like me across the country, I urge you to vote “no” on the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018.
[Your Name]
Thanks, and please DO NOT hesitate, ACT NOW!!!  It is extremely important that WE ALL participate in this movement.
Posted in AMA.